Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Great Pyramid Of Giza - 930 Words
Giza, an area located southwest of what is now known as Cairo, is home to one of the most astonishing and mysterious feats of architecture ever assembled, The Great Pyramid. Located approximately 5 miles west of the Nile River near the city of Cairo, Egypt, The Great Pyramid is part of a larger complex called the Giza Necropolis, which also houses the Great Sphinx, and two smaller pyramids. It is said to have been built by the enslaved citizens of Khufu, second ruler of the 4th dynasty, and son of Snefru. Although archaeologists have since disproved that theory. The pyramids are said to have been built to house the deceased bodies of the pharaohs after they have transitioned into the after-life. However, there is no evidence of this being the case. There are many questions surrounding the Pyramids of Giza, some of which, might not ever be answered. Subsequently, archaeologists, engineers, scientists and Egyptologists have been able to provide some very logical theories to try and ans wer these questions. Built between 2589 BC and 2504 BC for pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, the Pyramids of Giza are the only ones of the original structures of the Seven Wonders of the World that still stand. There were eight major feats of engineering involved in the construction of the pyramid. First, the builders had to level the foundation and cut a 6,000 hectare bedrock to fit the strangely shaped slabs of stone. Each stone at the foundation of the pyramid totaled the approximateShow MoreRelatedThe Great Pyramid Of Giza1382 Words  | 6 Pagespaper will examine the Great Pyramid of Giza during the Fourth Dynasty, the period in which it was built. My purpose for this topic is to not only educate myself further in the humanities of Ancient Egypt but to also get a better understanding of how the art relates to the people and their lives, I will do so by examining how and when The Great Pyramid of Giza and the surrounding pyramids were built, then how the culture of the people at the time infl uenced the making of the pyramid, and finally I willRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza Essay1147 Words  | 5 PagesThe â€Å"Great Pyramid of Giza†is situated in the Giza Necropolis which borders the largest city in Egypt – Giza. It is also identified by two other names; the Pyramid of â€Å"Cheops†or â€Å"Khufu†. The Great Pyramid stands as the largest and oldest among the Giza Necropolis pyramids. Furthermore, it is listed among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, holding the record of being the oldest in that list. The magnificence of the pyramid’s structure is an attraction that has grabbed the attention of severalRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza859 Words  | 4 Pages The Great Pyramid of Giza, is one of the oldest and sole surviving wonders of the Ancient World, has attracted the interest of many people such as tourists, philosophers, and travelers for hundreds of years. The pyramids interest has centered on the question of whether the ancient Egyptian people created and or possessed certain mathematical concepts and rules in the pyramids for the proportions and measurements. The Great Pyramid’s elevation encodes three of the most important constants in createdRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza1611 Words  | 7 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of the pyramids, was built in 2589 BC for King Khufu, it took 23 years to complete and remains standing today over 2,000 years later. The Great Pyramid of Giza provides a comprehensive understanding, as archaeological evidence, of the old kingdom and the political role of the Pharaoh and religion revealing insight to the mathematical intelligence of the ancient Egyptians. Through the intellect, religion and politics embedded within the structure, much informationRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza Essay1704 Words  | 7 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is located at El Giza, Egypt. This pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu in around 2560 B.C. and was intended to last an eternity. Also, this pyramid was the tallest structure in the world for nearly 3800 years with a height of more than 481 feet. This pyramid is a great tribute to engineering and decades-long labor by tens of thousands of workers. It was estimated that the pyramids were built by 100,000 workersRead MoreThe Great Pyramids Of Giza1026 Words  | 5 Pages The Great Pyramids of Giza By: Brittany Wright ART 101 December 3, 2015 Egypt: This research is on the Ancient Egyptian Culture. Ancient Egypt was located in Northeastern Africa along the Nile River. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt from 5000 to 2950 BC; the unification of Egypt was around 3000 BC. Ancient Egypt was around until about 50 BC. The Egyptians are known for many accomplishments; they include: their complex irrigation system, hieroglyphics, and the practiceRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza1138 Words  | 5 Pagesbuilt. The Pyramids! We find these mysterious, immense, and fascinating structures throughout the world. We gaze at them in wonder and ask ourselves: who built them? How were they built? what were they used for? and, when were they built? The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. The pyramids purpose hasRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza1869 Words  | 8 PagesKrystek (2010), the Great Pyramid of Giza is â€Å"the only one of the famous Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that still stands.†The Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built around 2550BC for the pharaoh Khufu, is archaeological evidence of the political, economic and religious power of the pharaoh and the importance of religion in the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. The ability of the pharaoh Khufu to organise and control the large workforce necessary to build the Great Pyramid is an indication ofRead MoreThe Great Pyramids Of Giza1274 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Great Pyramids of Giza from twenty five seventy five to twenty four fifty BCE. These pyramids were crafted to represent the rulers Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. They were originally covered in limestone and topped with gold to reflect the sun’s rays, creating a majestic sight in the name of the pharaohs. Outside of Khafre’s mortuary temple lies the Great Sphinx of Giz a. At sixty five feet in height, it is still one of the largest single stone sculptures in the world. While the Great SphinxRead MoreThe Great Pyramid of Giza Essay679 Words  | 3 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza Who built the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Khufuwas born in 2589 BC - 2566 BC. His real name was Khnum-khuf meaning the god Khnum is his protection. Khufuwas the son of another great pyramid builder, King Sneferu. Khufus mothers name was Hetepheres. Khufuwas the second king in the 4th dynasty. The Greeks referred Khufu as Cheops When and Where was the Great Pyramid built? The Great
Monday, December 23, 2019
Analysis Of The Book Fences - 1071 Words
Fences: Troy Maxson An apocalypse is defined as a deeper understanding of the world that results in a type of closure. Furthermore, a personal apocalypse would be described as an understanding of an event or situation that results in a closure, such as the end of a struggle or situation, or even death within time. Time is defined as the indefinite, uncontrolled, continued progress of existence and events over time – past, present, and future. Throughout Fences, Troy Maxson endures many trials and tribulations, but the closure that comes from these events within his life results in his own personal apocalypse over time. In Act I, Scene I of Fences, the audience is introduced to Troy Maxson as he sitting on his raggedy porch talking to a friend. One can see that Troy has a control problem through some of the statements he makes and the actions that follow them. At one moment, his friend accuses him of eyeing another lady, and Troy reacts by saying, â€Å"Hell, yeah, I bought he r a drink! What that mean? I bought you one, too. What that mean cause I buy her a drink? I’m just being polite†(Wilson 966). I have always been told that the convicted are the ones that get mad. Here, Troy gets aggravated because he is being said to have something for another woman when he is married. To further this, his friend then states that he has seen Troy walking around the woman’s house several times. Troy then goes berserk, saying, â€Å"What you watching me for? I ain’t watching after you†(WilsonShow MoreRelatedFences Character Analysis Essay924 Words  | 4 Pagestimes within Fences that his actions are based off of his responsibilities; instead of love. â€Å"[...]Liked you? Who the hell say I got to like you?[...]†(Wilson,37). This quote displays that although Troy loves his family, his sense of responsibility is stronger. The sense of responsibility shows he is concerned for what is to come to the family; although this sh adowed his emotions to forget to show affection. â€Å"[...]Some people build fences to keep people out†¦and other people build fences to keep peopleRead MoreBoy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay771 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Boyne has created a sophisticated and meaningful novel in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas through his thematic analysis of power which explores society’s perception of authority; his symbolic representation of the fence which starkly exposes Bruno’s ignorance of cultural divisions; and ï ¬ nally, his characterisation of Mother revealing the fraught atmosphere during the Holocaust. The theme of power is explored in this novel through authoritative ï ¬ gures and their presentation in society.TheRead MoreFences Research1694 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Physical and Psychological Boundaries in August Wilson’s Fences The early 1950’s was a time of enormous importance because of the Civil Rights Movement which emphasized equal rights for blacks and whites. According to the book Approaching Literature, this time period became very familiar to August Wilson, the author of the play Fences. Wilson, an African American man, was raised by his mother and his ex-convict father. For a short period of time, before moving back to hisRead MoreEssay on An Analysis for the Play Fences1293 Words  | 6 PagesFences - An Analysis James E. May Averett University History of the Theatre TH 220 / BBA 469 Ronal Stepney November 07, 2011 The story line seemed melodramatic throughout the play. The author (August Wilson) has laid the ground work of many themes throughout the play. The play deals with Race, Men and their masculinity, Morality, Dreams and hopes of everyone involved, Family, Duty, Betrayal and Dissatisfaction. The play begins with Troy and his best friend Bono entering the yard chattingRead MoreAn Analysis Of John Boyne s The Boy s The Striped Pajamas 1503 Words  | 7 PagesJanuary 5, 2006 I chose this book because (respond in at least 2 sentences): I have watched the movie many times and I always wanted to know which was better and what the difference between the book and the film. Connecting with Character: Protagonist Bruno How do you relate to this character? Similarities Differences Beginning: Bruno wanted to meet Shmuel and become friends with him at first sight; He wanted to play with him also. But they were separated by a fence. I can relate to that becauseRead MoreEssay on Kevin Rudds Apology Analysis1179 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis: Aspect One Kevin Rudd’s apology was to the Aboriginals; but in particular, to the Stolen Generations. From 1909-1969, the Australian Government forced a policy know as assimilation upon the Aboriginals. Assimilation is the forced integration of minority groups onto the dominant society. Inhumane acts were inflicted upon these proud people because of the ‘Aborigines Protection Board’ which entailed that the Australian Government had full rights to forcibly remove half-caste children fromRead MoreThe Importance Of Innocence In Wendy Copes Reading Scheme1245 Words  | 5 Pagesin Wendy Cope’s poem we will first familiarize ourselves on the topic of innocence by looking at two different articles to aid our argument. Also, we will recognize Cope’s writing style and its connection to the theme of the poem. Finally, we will analysis Cope’s poem by looking at evidence from the poem and the perfect villanelle form. According to the article Archaeology: the loss of innocence, written by David Clarke â€Å"the loss of disciplinary innocence is the price of expanding consciousness†¦theRead MoreBourdieus Theory Of Cultural Development1606 Words  | 7 Pagesthe successful results of Bourdieu s theory: â€Å"Bourdieu s theory of cultural reproduction has been highly influential, and has generated a great deal of literature, both theoretical and empirical†(144). According to Bourdieu’s theory, based on his book Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste, makes the declaration that higher levels of education will result in perceiving and comprehending the world around them much differently than a person with a much lower educational level. Bourdieu’sRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Boy s The Striped Pajamas 1035 Words  | 5 PagesIn this Literary analysis report, of the book â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas†, I will be breaking down the stor y. Starting with the beginning introducing the main protagonist and antagonist of the movie. Then introducing the main conflict and how the protagonist tried to fix this problem, and how it was solved. The final paragraph will break down the movie even further by explaining symbols, showing what they mean, and how this movie depicted the real world. To start off, The movie â€Å"The boy in theRead MoreLiterature Review Outline : The Boy In The Striped Pajamas1164 Words  | 5 Pagesthrough the description of each event that occurs within this book. For example, this novel features a descriptive scene where Bruno (protagonist) encounters a fence, which holds many Jews captive; this event takes you on a journey where you can experience the border that divides us, and how we may deal with that border - as Bruno faces. John Boyne has created a sophisticated novel in The Boy In The Striped Pajamas through his thematic analysis of the power, which explores society’s perception of authority
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Indicators of the Effectiveness of Marketing Free Essays
string(86) " the effectiveness of marketing activities – a system of performance marketing\." An important task of marketing research is the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities. Management companies require marketers increasingly rigorous reporting and substantiation of expenses. Tired of the high and steadily increasing marketing costs, executives are naming the following as marketing : failed new products and failed advertising campaigns, too many phone calls and expensive campaign that are created to stimulate sales but fail to do so. We will write a custom essay sample on Indicators of the Effectiveness of Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marketing research is partly able to solve the problem of accountability of marketing. Consider the basic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities – a system of performance marketing. You read "Indicators of the Effectiveness of Marketing" in category "Papers" Performance indicators of marketing – the criteria by which companies quantify, compare, and interpret the results of its marketing activities. Brand managers are using these indicators, or metrics, program design, and top managers – in the allocation of financial resources. If the marketer can show how the money will give the effect of his proposed measures, which means he can no longer justify the allocation of appropriate resources to senior management. Performance indicators can be internal marketing, i. e. , refer to the company’s internal environment and external, that is, relate to the external environment of the company. In turn, internal and external indicators are divided into: †¢Current – continuously varying parameters, which require continuous monitoring, and are often carried out with the help of a marketing information system. †¢Final – indicators that are used as marketing the company’s goals and evaluated, as a rule, for the quarter, half, or year. Let’s consider the most popular domestic rates. Current domestic rates: †¢defect rate of products degree of knowledge of the company’s goals of personnel †¢timeliness of delivery †¢errors in billing †¢inventory turnover It is advisable to keep in mind key indicators that are not directly related to marketing activities. For example, estimating the percentage of defective products and participating in the task to reduce the reject rate, the marketer, thus reducing production costs, which in turn can reduce the price of the product. A price control is one of the essential tasks of the marketer. Timeliness of delivery can improve customer loyalty and forms in their eyes the image of a reliable and punctual company. The degree of knowledge of the objectives of the company allows staff to make the right decisions in complex ambiguous situations. And, most often benefit from such solutions is primarily a consumer. The final internal indices: †¢net profit (income) †¢return on sales †¢margin per unit of output †¢return on assets These figures can be attributed to the financial. The marketer should be aware of the dynamics of their growth or decline. Financial performance could not be more eloquently and accurately described as the company’s activities in general and the marketing department. Of course, to a direct relationship between the magnitude of these parameters and the degree of effectiveness of the marketing department can not, however, the negative trend indicators will clearly indicate the true chosen strategy of the company and, accordingly, a lack of effectiveness of the marketing department. The most popular external indicators include the following. 1. Current external indicators: †¢degree of customer satisfaction †¢the number of complaints †¢the total number of customers †¢loyalty, retention rates †¢intention to buy †¢awareness of the product The presented figures are difficult to translate into a financial equivalent. How, for example, brings the company’s customer loyalty? Therefore, these parameters are estimated separately, according to a specific, produced for a specific company, the system scales. Also, the absolute values are used, for example, to measure the number of complaints or the total number of customers, and the relative values of, for example, the percentage of people who have the intention to purchase goods in the near future. 2. Final external indicators: †¢market share †¢size of the market comparative sales of new products †¢revenue per customer †¢market growth rate In fact, these figures constitute a group of industry and competitive rates. Industry indicators – a measure to assess the state of the industry – its rate of growth or size of the market. It is not possible to measure these indicators. But on the basis of these figures the company can make adjustmen ts to the marketing communications plan or competitive strategy. Competitive rates, for example market share, company can assess its position in the market relative to competitors. Market share – one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of marketing activities, and the dynamics of its growth has a direct impact on sales growth. To ensure the maximization of the diversity metric can be done by the special organizational processes and systems. All materials used in the company’s internal and external parameters can be represented as a marketing information system. As a source of data for marketing information system companies can use two systems of market valuation, reflecting the company’s results and help to learn in advance about the possible impending problems. The evaluation system of consumers includes analysis of the following indicators: †¢percentage of new buyers from the average number of customers †¢percentage of dissatisfied customers of the average number of customers †¢percentage of customers who are able to return, the total number of customers †¢percentage of customers who declare their intention to re-purchase the product †¢percentage of customers who declare their intention to recommend a product to others †¢the average perception of roduct quality in comparison with the main competitor †¢percentage of consumers who claim that the product is the most preferable in its category The evaluation of people that have interest. Companies need to continuously monitor the mood of the various groups interested in their work, or to affect it: employees, suppliers, banks, distributors, retailers and shareholders. It should also set standards for each group and take action as soon as one or more of them s how an increased level of dissatisfaction. Example In each division of the company  «Hewlett-Packard » evaluation system of customers is applied, which includes from 18 to 20 indicators. Some criteria (customer satisfaction and timely delivery) the same for all, while others depend on the specifics of each department. Analysis of these estimates allows company management to assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies, sales and profits and to identify areas in which improvements can achieve greater quantitative indicators. 9. 2. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities is very challenging and not always given the opportunity to express the quantitative effect obtained at the expense of marketing activities. Nevertheless, there are many different approaches for addressing this problem, which allows you to select the following classification of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing. Qualitative methods involve the use of marketing audit, during which the comprehensive analysis of environmental organizations, as well as all the threats and opportunities. In this case there are two areas of marketing control: control of marketing results-oriented and marketing audit, i. e. analysis of the qualitative aspects of the organization. Quantitative methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing requires comparing the costs of marketing with the resulting gross profit and the cost of advertising to sales, and they characterize the final financial results for the organization. Analysis of the profitability and cost analysis can also be one of the options for the quantitative method of assessing the effectiveness of marketing. In evaluating marketing activities should be the parameters that characterize the activity of a particular business units – sales volumes, the organization of the market share, margin and net profit. The volume of sales (gross sales) is a complex indicator and reflects not only and not the success of efforts to implement the product, but also chosen the right price, and most importantly, how the goods â€Å"fell†in the target group of consumers. Dynamics of sales – an indicator of an organization’s position in the market, its shares and trends. It should also be noted that independent place in the analysis of cost structures and evaluating the development potential of the organization is the analysis of break-even point. Break-even volume shows how many goods to be sold, that the resulting contribution margin covers all fixed costs. This volume is an indicator of the organization capabilities to maneuver in the market. Sociological methods for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing aimed at using the tools of applied sociology – the development of sociological research program and in accordance with its conduct of the study. In the use of tools of applied sociology also is oriented assessment of the effectiveness of marketing communications (advertising effectiveness, sales Tenths methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing separating its effectiveness for each activity in compliance with the eligibility criteria of the list of structures and processes of the marketing concept of setting a specific score for each criterion. Nowadays, there is an increasing number of methods to assess the effectiveness of information marketing that are most widely discussed on the Internet. The essence of these methods is that in order to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing programs used by Sales Expert 2, Success, and others, which are software for marketing information systems. In fact, the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activities is one of the functions of a marketing information system. All the indicators needed to assess the effectiveness of marketing activities should be incorporated in the marketing information system. Marketer, the user of the system is only necessary to define the algorithm and the method of assessing effectiveness. 9. 3. Performance indicators of marketing – the criteria by which companies quantify, compare, and interpret the results of its marketing activities. Performance indicators can be internal marketing, i. e. , refer to the company’s internal environment and external, that is, relate to the external environment of the company. In turn, internal and external indicators are divided into current – which should be continuous monitored and which are often carried out with the help of a marketing information system, and final – indicators that are used as marketing the company’s goals and evaluated, usually on the basis of quarter, year. The following methods of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities: †¢Qualitative methods involve the use of marketing audit, during which the comprehensive analysis of environmental organizations, as well as all the threats and opportunities. †¢Quantitative methods are used for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing requires comparing the costs of marketing with the resulting gross profit, and advertising costs to sales. †¢Sociological methods – for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing aimed at using the tools of applied sociology – a program of sociological research and in accordance with its conduct of the study. Tenths methods for assessing the effectiveness of marketing â€Å"isolate†its effectiveness for each activity in compliance with the eligibility criteria of the list of structures and processes of the marketing concept of setting a specific score for each criterion. The essence of the method of information lies in th e fact that the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing programs used by Sales Expert 2, Success, and others, which are software for marketing information systems. Four tools for monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan. 1. Analysis of the distribution suggests a partition of the total sales data into categories such as products, end users, marketing intermediaries, sales territory, and the size of the order. The purpose of the analysis – to identify strengths and weaknesses of the area, for example, products with the highest and lowest sales, buyers, who account for a large portion of the proceeds, as well as sales agents and territory, demonstrating the highest and lowest quality of work. . Analysis of market share. Sales volume and market share are the primary functions of a number of determining factors. For consumer goods, these factors include the efficient allocation, the relative price, retain or change the perception of one or more of the essential characteristics of the product to consumers in comparison with competitors’ products and product placement on store shelves. 3. Itemized analysis of earnings and exp enses. Data on sales – it is certainly not the only relevant information regarding the success of marketing activities. Need to monitor values of gross margin and profit margin, and to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of all marketing expenditure items. 4. Analysis of the ratio of marketing costs and sales volumes. Analysis of the annual plan requires ongoing monitoring to achieve the goals of expenditure. The main management measure is the ratio of marketing costs and sales volumes. How to cite Indicators of the Effectiveness of Marketing, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Pros and Cons of using Predictive SDLC-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Write brief description of the Pros and Cons to approaching the project using the Predictivea SDLC, then the Pros and Cons to approach the project as Adaptive SDLC. Then recommend either Predictive or Adaptive to the SDLC for the project and briefly describe why. Answer: Introduction Development of an information system in a cloud-based solution increases the affectivity of data storage and data access. Therefore, system implementation of My Health Record System in a cloud-based solution is a good decision of Headspace. The organization works for the young and mental ill patients and are embarking on development of an information system that would record and store the story or the condition of the patients in the very first time it is being told. The different non-functional requirements of the system are identified in the report. The report further discusses the chosen cloud environment for the project along with the recommended SDLC approach that would be appropriate for the project implementation (Steele, Min Lo, 2012). The Non-functional requirements of the system The systems non-functional requirements are to be identified for enhancing the system performance. It includes the different system qualities, interfaces and the constraints that can possible enhance the systems performance (Chung, Nixon Mylopoulos, 2012). The non functional requirements associated with this project are as follows- Functionality Functionality of a system is a major criterion for measuring the efficiency of a system. The main function of My Health Record System is storing the patients data to increase the ease of access of the data. Therefore, a high throughput of the system is the major non-functional requirement. Along with it the manageability of the system is an essential criteria to consider as well. Usability The system is to be developed mainly for the patients and the professionals and therefore it is essential for the system to offer high level of system usability. Therefore, it is a primary non-functional requirement of the system. A simple user interface can increase the systems usability and therefore can be considered as a non-functional requirement. Reliability The information system to be designed will store the sensitive and confidential data of the system and therefore it is very essential for the system to be reliable. The reliability of the system can be increased by including a including an auto recovery option for easier data recovery because of data loss. Therefore, maintaining the reliability of the system is a major non-functional requirement for the system implementation. Performance The systems performance is another major criterion to be considered for enhancing the usability of the information system. Furthermore, the data availability when required is a primary criterion to be considered for the system implementation. Security Considering the sensitive nature of the information that is to be stored in the information system, it is a foremost criterion to look into the proper security of the system. This is more essential because the organization is planning to implement the system in a cloud-based environment, which is very vulnerable to attacks. Data integrity, which is a major non-functional requirement of the system can be possible if the system is kept secured (Kulkarni et al., 2012). Data encryption can therefore be considered as the major non-functional requirement of the system. The Functional Requirements of the system Vs Non-functional Requirements The functional requirements that are mainly identified for the project are presence of authentication or authorization levels, External Interfaces, Report button, considering the legal requirements and different administrative functions. These are essential to be included in the system in order to define the primary system functionality. The non-functional requirements identified in the previous section if implemented properly would enhance the performance of the system. Security of the system is one of the major non-functional requirements of the system and therefore it is related to the major functional requirement that is authentication. Authentication and authorization levels are incorporated into a system for ensuring a proper security (Pearce Bainbridge, 2014). Therefore it is essential for the system to incorporate all the major functional and the non-functional requirements for maintain a smooth operation of the system. The cloud based Solution: Hybrid Cloud Considering the sensitive nature of the data, it is a primary concern to keep the data secure. The storage of the patients data in a cloud environment although is very effective, but there are increasing risk of data theft and data loss. The data to be stored are very sensitive and confidential and therefore, organization should choose a cloud solution that will provide both data security and ease of access. Considering all the criteria, it is recommended to use a hybrid cloud environment for this project. The hybrid cloud is chosen because the public cloud is very vulnerable to attacks. With the increasing use of technology and data mining, the security of data in a public cloud environment is an increasing concern (AlZain et al., 2012). Therefore, although public cloud could have been a cost effective solution, it can be considered in this case as the data to be stored are very sensitive. The private cloud however, does not have the security risk of data loss or data theft as the n etwork is much secured, but cannot be considered in this case as the primary aim or objective of development of this system is the availability of the data to different professionals. This would be a concern in a private cloud network as data access would be difficult from a private cloud outside the organization (Galibus Vissia, 2015). Private cloud uses one dedicated network with access control mechanism and therefore the cost of implementation of a system in private cloud is difficult as well. Therefore, the hybrid cloud would be appropriate for this system. Strength of Hybrid Cloud The advantages or the strength of using the hybrid cloud environment are as follows- 1) The hybrid cloud environment is a mixture of public and private cloud environment and therefore it is secure enough to store the confidential information of the patients (Li et al., 2015). 2) The public zone that is present in the hybrid cloud environment can be leveraged from a service provider and therefore it is a cost effective solution as well (Li et al., 2013). 3) The public Zone of the hybrid cloud environment provides an easier data access to the different professionals whom the patients visit. Weakness of Hybrid Cloud The major weaknesses of using a hybrid cloud solution are as follows- 1) The presence of both public and the private could environment although provides additional benefits, the data movement in and out of the public and private zone of the cloud environment can be targeted a hacker or an attacker to gain an access to the sensitive and the confidential data. 2) The implementation cost of the system in a hybrid cloud environment is more than that of the public cloud (Chen Zhao, 2012). Considering all the above aspects, it is recommended for Headspace to use a hybrid cloud environment for the project. SDLC Approach: Predictive or Adaptive ? The software development life cycle is a major criterion to consider for successful development and implementation of a software. The different phases of a software development life cycle estimate the time and the labor that is required implement a project. The predictive and adaptive approach of the software development life cycle is contrasting in its characteristics (Tuteja Dubey, 2012). Detailed description of the predictive and adaptive approach SDLC are discussed in the following section. Predictive SDLC The predictive SDLC technique is a primary project management technique that is used in predicting the timeline of the project. All the phases, deliverables and the project timeline is pre planned in this approach and therefore it is used to estimate the project completion time. The project scope and requirements of the project is needed to be clear for project implementation and therefore the project implementation using the predictive approach becomes even simpler. The only constraint of using a Predictive SDLC is that once the project is set out for implementation, the project modification becomes almost impossible. The pros and cons of using a predictive SDLC are as follows- Pros of Using Predictive SDLC The advantages of using predictive SDLC approach in implementation of this project are listed below- The possibility of project completion within the set time is very high in predictive SDLC approach. This is because the scope and the project requirements are set at the beginning of the project. Therefore, the project follows a planned approach for the system implementation and therefore there are very little chances of the project from drifting from the original schedule. This is a major advantage of using a predictive SDLC approach. since the project requirements remain clear throughout the project implementation phase, it becomes easier to set or estimate a budget for the project. Cons of using Predictive SDLC There are certain disadvantages of using predictive SDLC as well. This are listed below- In predictive SDLC the phases and the project schedule are generally identified at the beginning of the project and therefore there is no scope of further improvement. The predictive SDLC is basically the traditional waterfall model of project methodology and therefore feedback back is generally absent in this approach. Adaptive SDLC Adaptive SDLC approach is different from predictive SDLC as the entire project timeline or the life cycle is not determined at the beginning of the project. This approach is similar to the agile project management that deals with the planning of the project deliverables before the project implementation (Balaji Murugaiyan, 2012). The presence of feedback path and thorough system testing is a major advantage of this approach. The pros and cons of using adaptive SDLC in system implementation are discussed below. Pros of using Adaptive SDLC The advantages of implementation of this project using the adaptive software development life cycle approach are elaborated below- The main advantage of using this approach is that, the project can be modified while its implementation. This is because the entire project phases are not estimated at the beginning of the project. The thorough system testing of every phase helps in elimination of the bugs more effectively from the system. Cons of using the Adaptive SDLC The cons of using adaptive SDLC in this project are listed below- Maintaining a proper project timeline is difficult in this approach. This is because, the project modification may require more time in execution. Therefore, it is recommended for Headspace to use the predictive SDLC approach in development and implementation of the project (Mahalakshmi Sundararajan, 2013). Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that considering a hybrid cloud solution will be best for implementation of this system. The report identifies the different non-functional requirements of the system. The report further discusses the proper SDLC approach that would be best for project implementation References AlZain, M. A., Pardede, E., Soh, B., Thom, J. A. (2012, January). Cloud computing security: from single to multi-clouds. In System Science (HICSS), 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 5490-5499). IEEE. Balaji, S., Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), 26-30. Chen, D., Zhao, H. (2012, March). Data security and privacy protection issues in cloud computing. In Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 647-651). IEEE. Chung, L., Nixon, B. 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