Monday, December 23, 2019
Analysis Of The Book Fences - 1071 Words
Fences: Troy Maxson An apocalypse is defined as a deeper understanding of the world that results in a type of closure. Furthermore, a personal apocalypse would be described as an understanding of an event or situation that results in a closure, such as the end of a struggle or situation, or even death within time. Time is defined as the indefinite, uncontrolled, continued progress of existence and events over time – past, present, and future. Throughout Fences, Troy Maxson endures many trials and tribulations, but the closure that comes from these events within his life results in his own personal apocalypse over time. In Act I, Scene I of Fences, the audience is introduced to Troy Maxson as he sitting on his raggedy porch talking to a friend. One can see that Troy has a control problem through some of the statements he makes and the actions that follow them. At one moment, his friend accuses him of eyeing another lady, and Troy reacts by saying, â€Å"Hell, yeah, I bought he r a drink! What that mean? I bought you one, too. What that mean cause I buy her a drink? I’m just being polite†(Wilson 966). I have always been told that the convicted are the ones that get mad. Here, Troy gets aggravated because he is being said to have something for another woman when he is married. To further this, his friend then states that he has seen Troy walking around the woman’s house several times. Troy then goes berserk, saying, â€Å"What you watching me for? I ain’t watching after you†(WilsonShow MoreRelatedFences Character Analysis Essay924 Words  | 4 Pagestimes within Fences that his actions are based off of his responsibilities; instead of love. â€Å"[...]Liked you? Who the hell say I got to like you?[...]†(Wilson,37). This quote displays that although Troy loves his family, his sense of responsibility is stronger. 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